The Islamic Banking industry has witnessed a rapid growth in the past few years with over 2800 Islamic Banking branches employing graduates and professionals all over the country. Therefore, there is a necessary demand for professionals having experience in Islamic Banking and Finance. Realizing this need, IBP has joined hands with Center for Islamic Economics (CIE) to bring a Certification Course for the staff of Islamic window of any conventional bank branch being converted into an Islamic branch.
Certificate Course in ISLAMIC BANKING & TAKAFUL
Days |
Description |
DAY 01 |
- Comparison of Islamic Economic System with Socialism & Capitalism Islamic Banking-Background & Global Scenario
- Ethics of Business in the light of Quran & Sunnah
- Sources of Islamic Shariah
DAY 02 |
- Riba in Quran, Hadith & Its Types, Commercial
interest & Usuary
- Sale and Islamic Law of Contract
- Musharaka
DAY 03 |
- Diminishing Musharaka
- Mudaraba
- Murabaha
DAY 04 |
- Principles of Shariah governing Islamic investment funds
- Ijara
- Salam & Istisna
DAY 05 |
- The features of an Islamic Bank
- Islamic Insurance-Takaful
Mufti Muhammad Yahya Asim
Mufti Muhammad Yahyais teaching at Jamia Darululoom Karachi, Baitul Mukarram.He is Resident Sharia Board Member at Habib Bank Limited and Sharia Advisor-TPL Takaful.
Mufti Muhammad Najeeb Khan
Mufti Najeeb is serving as a Principal at Hira Foundation School –Jamia Darululoom Karachi. He is a Sharia Advisor for UBL Islamic Fund, Sharia Board Member at Summit Bank Limited and Halal Food- SGS.
Mufti Bilal Ahmed Qazi
Mufti Bilal is a Member Sharia Board at Al Barakah Bank, Pakistan. He is also serving as a Chairman Sharia Board at Soneri Bank Limited and Member Sharia Board at Summit Bank Limited.
Fresh students and Banking industry professionals including:
- Officers in Islamic Banking Operations
- Officers and Executives in Conventional Banks
- Credit & Compliance Officers
- Payment should be made in the name of “THE INSTITUTE OF BANKERS PAKISTAN”
- Please send nominations/requests for participation at least two days before the training date.
- Registration may be cancelled or withdrawn two days before the date of program.
Cancellations must be requested via email. No refund will be given after the lapse of time as mentioned above. However, substitutions may be made at any time.
In case of absenteeism IBP reserve the right to claim registration fee without any prior information of cancellation.