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VI - Social Studies

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Grade VI Social Studies Course Description:

In this comprehensive course, students will explore the fascinating world of History and Geography. Using the textbooks "Understanding History 1" by Ismat Riaz (OUP), "Geography Today 1" and "Geography Today 1 (Skill Book 1)" by Doreen Crawford (Peak Publishers), students will analyze historical events, cultural traditions, and geographical features that shape our world.


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Course Objectives:

- Develop an understanding of historical events, trends, and cultural traditions
- Analyze geographical features, processes, and relationships that shape our environment
- Cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills
- Foster a sense of global citizenship and cultural awareness

Course Outline:

- History:
- Early civilizations and ancient cultures
- Medieval and early modern periods
- Nationalism and independence movements
- Historical skills and research methods

- Geography:
- Introduction to geography and mapping skills
- Physical geography: landforms, water bodies, climate, and natural resources
- Human geography: population, settlement, economy, and culture
- Geographical skills: mapping, graphing, and data analysis


- Class participation and engagement
- Homework assignments and quizzes
- Unit tests and exams
- Project-based assessments
- Final exam
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